Friday, November 6, 2009


So yesturday I sat down at the table to make a grocery list. I was pretty proud of myself because I never make one alone its always with greg, but i did it myself and wrote down pretty much everything we needed. While I was just finishing up on the list I looked out and Kelli's bus was there. So I get the little girl out to her bus and off to school. I walked back in and looked at the clock and saw that Kamy was a little late for her bus. So not wanting to miss it, I hurried and scooped up my grocery list and got Karter in the van and took Kamy to her bus stop. After getting Kamy to school, Karter and I went to the grocery store. At first I had forgot I even made a list and was getting a bunch of crap that we didnt need. Then I remembered that I had made one, so I pull it out and start looking over it. Then when I noticed that somebody had wrote something on the back of the paper I read "MOM IS A NERD".... hahaha I laughed so hard. While I tood Kelli out to the bus Kamryn must have decided to write a little note for me. I couldnt for the life of me figure out how she knew how to write NERD. Come to find out she had got into the Halloween candy a few minutes before and was eating NERDS candy. lol! So thats where she got it! The smart little stinker! Because Kamryn would have felt bad for what she wrote I didnt tell her what NERD meant, and when she got home I thanked her for the wonderful note she wrote me. She smiled with such confidence! Don't you just love the small things in life that just make you smile:)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kelli Ruth Barrow age 4. Kelli is such a little princess. She just warms our hearts. Now I know that God gave Greg and I her for a specific reason. This little girl is no doubt a little angle. She is doing so good with her talking, it was a rough start but her speech is improving everyday. She is into her second year of preschool and I thank the lord everyday for her teachers. They help her so much. She is also doing some speech, Occupational, and Developmental Therapies. Her Dev. Therapy is so neat, they actually come pick her up from our house and take her out and basically teach her how to behave well in public. Its great and she loves it. Kelli is now potty trianed!!! Its such a big step for her and we are so proud.
Kamryn Lee Barrow age 5. She is such a little sweetheart. So tenderhearted and loveable. Kamy helps me alot around the house. Its so nice to have her around, helping me with Karter and Kelli. She is such a wonderful big sister, I couln't ask for anything better. She is now in Kindergarden and is at the top of her class! For the fall term she got straight A's! What a girl! She is loving school and meeting all kinds of new friends.

Karter James Barrow 2 years old. There's so much I can say about this little character. He has such a LIVE spirit. Karter brings so much happiness into our home. He is saying alot of new words now and can ride his new 4wheeler like a champ! We have just recently changed his crip into a toddler bed. He feels like such a big boy now! He is also very fasinated with cars right at the moment... "so throw out Elmo and Nemo lets bring in some VROOM VROOMS!" He is growing up so fast...

Today is the day that our sweet little boy Karter got blessed. We chose this day because it was a very special one. Today is also my Grandma Bettys birthday. She would have been 88. There isnt a day that goes by that I dont think of that amazing woman and how different our lives would be if she were still here. I miss her dearly and will never stop thinking of her. I love you Grandma.
Karter had his 2nd birthday on October 17th! I cant believe it has been a whole two year since this handsom little man came into our lives.

We went to this place called the Berry Ranch in Nampa. It was so much fun, they had all sorts of thing to do. The kiddos had such a great time.

Thursday, January 15, 2009