Friday, November 6, 2009


So yesturday I sat down at the table to make a grocery list. I was pretty proud of myself because I never make one alone its always with greg, but i did it myself and wrote down pretty much everything we needed. While I was just finishing up on the list I looked out and Kelli's bus was there. So I get the little girl out to her bus and off to school. I walked back in and looked at the clock and saw that Kamy was a little late for her bus. So not wanting to miss it, I hurried and scooped up my grocery list and got Karter in the van and took Kamy to her bus stop. After getting Kamy to school, Karter and I went to the grocery store. At first I had forgot I even made a list and was getting a bunch of crap that we didnt need. Then I remembered that I had made one, so I pull it out and start looking over it. Then when I noticed that somebody had wrote something on the back of the paper I read "MOM IS A NERD".... hahaha I laughed so hard. While I tood Kelli out to the bus Kamryn must have decided to write a little note for me. I couldnt for the life of me figure out how she knew how to write NERD. Come to find out she had got into the Halloween candy a few minutes before and was eating NERDS candy. lol! So thats where she got it! The smart little stinker! Because Kamryn would have felt bad for what she wrote I didnt tell her what NERD meant, and when she got home I thanked her for the wonderful note she wrote me. She smiled with such confidence! Don't you just love the small things in life that just make you smile:)


  1. What a cutie! Kamryn is a smartie pants!!

  2. Katie. That was a great story. I laughed soo hard I almost peed my pants. Scotty laughed really hard too. Thanks for sharing.
